Exploded into our lives

Created by phantomkipper 10 years ago
You came into our lives like a bomb, your chosen one was to be your soul-mate, our daughter Louisa. We were outraged at first and then we realised we had a new son. You changed our lives, our daughter, our expectations. You gave us higher horizons to look at. I never drove a car with over 1000bhp before and how you got such a car was beyond belief. This was a part of your beliefs that told me never to be your own limiter. If you want something, it's there for the taking. You just need to look harder. Louisa was also inspired by you and you became true soul-mates. But you could not live harmoniously together and conversely, you could not be apart. You shared the same music but not the same space for long. You became mentally joined at the hip but with different lives. We had many great Polish-style Christmas eve parties and you were such a light-weight with the vodka. Many happy memories of you and Lou supporting each other anyway. Then, I saw your doom-laden photos on your Facebook site but thought it was just your usual edgey, creative stuff. Had I realised how it reflected your actual mind-set, I'd have called you, but its too late now, you did the unthinkable. If only you had thought what it would do to your family and close friends, it was the worst you could possibly have done. You deeply hurt me, Teresa, my daughter Louisa, your mother and father, sister Louisa and an almost endless number of devoted friends who loved you deeply. Now Teresa and I go to your grave, she sheds many tears and I put a dozen red roses by your head. What is that all about? why are you there? Is this really happening? It's all wrong ! It can't be real. You were half my age! So much to look forward to.......