ben_ringshaw 27th February 2014

I remember the day I met you, almost 20 years ago now. You were the new guy at school on that day, standing on his own, freshly arrived. We got talking and I immediately thought to myself- this guy's different to everyone else; he's interesting and unique, I like him already. This was the first day of many years of friendship. Over the time I knew you, we shared so many experiences which I will never forget. You lived life how you wanted, and on your own terms. You achieved so much in such a short time. You taught me to always do things my own way, to be true to myself and answerable only to myself. I'll carry that forward. In life we meet so many people and do so much yet time is still so precious. A wise man is a man that spends his time learning, while a fool is a man that sits idle and claims to know everything. I like so many others knew you to be a wise man, forever learning and building knowledge and taking on new experiences and challenges. I can honestly say, you are one of the very few people I have ever known to live each day to the fullest. I'll always remember the good times we shared. Thanks for so many awesome memories dude, I'm gonna miss you. Ben